Continuous risk assessment (nomogram-core) versus grouped assessment regarding R2-ISS and Mayo-2022-score and transitions plots. The median nomogram score (continuous predicted survival probability, y-axis) is significantly different between groups for (A) R2-ISS and (B) Mayo-2022-score (Kruskal-Wallis-test, P < .001). At the same time, within each of the R2-ISS or Mayo-2022-score risk groups, score values vary up to four-fold, eg, R2-ISS3 from 50 to 200 points. Continuous risk assessment thus allows substratification within each of the risk groups. Dashed lines depict cut-points to match number and size of R2-ISS and Mayo-2022-groups, respectively. Alluvial plot for (C) R2-ISS and (D) Mayo-2022-score versus nomogram score. The nomogram score is grouped for both scores so that the number/size of the groups corresponds to the respective comparison score. Transitioning patients represent extreme scores within each of the risk groups.