Figure 6.
Single-cell multiomics analysis reveals TGM1-transduced keratinocyte stem cells
(A) UMAP of scRNA-seq profiles in SINγ-RV-TGM1-transduced keratinocytes. Keratinocytes were classified in five clonogenic and differentiated populations through label transfer and mapping to a previously reported reference of human keratinocytes.43,44 Dots represent individual cells, and the colors indicate the cell populations (holoclone [H] in orange, meroclone [M] in light blue, paraclone [P] in gray, TD1 in light brown, and TD2 in brown). Feeder layer-derived fibroblasts and low-quality keratinocyte clusters (F1 and 6,7) are shown in light gray. The percentages of cells in each population are shown on the right. (B) UMAP showing SINγ-RV-TGM1-positive cells containing at least one provirus fragment (red). The color scale indicates the number of provirus fragments retrieved in each cell. Negative cells are shown in light gray. The percentages of positive cells in each population are shown on the right.