Fig. 10.
A Evolution of the modification term for Participant #9’s right hip trajectory (). is zero before and after the AMTC block. During the AMTC block, the modification term of the trajectory adapts to make the reference trajectory closer to the user joint angle. At each walking speed, the modification pattern in the steady state converges to a different amplitude and shape, indicating that the user joint angle, and as a result, the exoskeleton reference trajectory has evolved to a different pattern at each speed. B Modification trajectory coefficients evolve during the AMTC block. Each coefficient converged to a steady state value at the end of each treadmill speed condition. After the change in treadmill speed, coefficients converge to new optimum levels. These levels, as mentioned for the modification term of the hip trajectory, differ for each speed. C Pearson correlation between the GRF of each stride with the average GRF profile recorded during natural walking without the exoskeleton. D Stride length was computed using the Physiolog 6 s IMU sensors