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. 2012 Apr 18;2012(4):CD007101. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007101.pub2

Liu 2006.

Methods Computer‐generated randomisation
Participants 100 patiens with 20 to 80 years, symptomatic AF refractory to multiple antiarrhythmic drugs, NYHA functional class I or II, and at least 6 months follow‐up were included. 50 patients were assigned to A‐CPVA group and 50 to M‐CPVA group.
Age: 55.4+/11.9 years in A‐CPVA group and 57.5+/‐11.3 years in M‐CPVA group. 
 % of male: 35/50 (70%) in A‐CPVA group, and 34/50 (68%) in M‐CPVA group. 
 Follow‐up: 18 months.
Location: Beijing, China.
Interventions A‐CPVA group: ipsilateral superior and inferior PVs were mapped carefully with one Lasso catheter sequentially during sinus rhythm (SR) or CS pacing. Supploementary ablations were applied along the CPVA lines close to the earliest ipsilateral PV spikes. An additional conduction gap was considered if the PV activation sequence changed after one conduction gap had been closed.
M‐CPVA group: the sites with the earliest activation in each PV perimeter were targeted during SR or CS pacing. The ipsilateral superior and inferior veins were isolated separately in this group.
Outcomes Recurrence of AT, AF, complications
Notes CPVA: circumferential pulmonary vein ablation.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer‐generated randomisation.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk A‐Yes. Sequence was generated by computer, which was better in allocation concealment.
Blinding High risk Blinding was not reported.
Incomplete outcome data addressed High risk There were no patients withdrawn or lost to follow up.
Adequate sequence generation Low risk Sequence was generated by computer program
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure