Fig. 3.
Hazard ratios expressing the risk of cardiovascular and coronary endpoints per the 1.3 pulse pressure amplification threshold by subgroups. Hazard ratios, given with 95% confidence interval accounted for cohort (random effect), sex, age, body mass index, heart rate, smoking and drinking, the total-to-HDL serum cholesterol ratio, the estimated glomerular filtration rate, antihypertensive drug intake, history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Adjustment for sex, age and antihypertensive treatment was omitted, if these variables defined the strata. Squares represent the point estimates of the hazard ratios (HR). Horizontal lines denote 95% confidence interval. NLE/NLR vs NHE/NHR refer to the number of participants with an event/number of participants at risk dichotomized by the threshold of pulse pressure amplification (<1.3 vs ≥1.3, respectively)