Fig. 5.
Cingulum bundle fractional anisotropy by left paracingulate sulcal presence. Box plots displaying tract fractional anisotropy by left Paracingulate sulcal presence in the cingulum [TractSeg] (top left), peri-genual cingulum [Xtract] (top right), dorsal cingulum [Xtract] (bottom left) and temporal cingulum [Xtract] (bottom right). Black dots represent individuals, n = 125. Thick horizontal black lines represent group median values. Larger black dots represent group mean values. Boxes extend from the 25th to the percentile, horizontal black lines within the boxes denote median values. P-values (P) of general linear models corrected for age, sex and handedness are displayed over the box plots. N.S. denotes no significant difference between groups. * Significance at P = < 0.05. ** P = < 0.01