Analysis of cell shape dimensionality. (a) Dimensionality plot of the ratios of the square roots of the gyration tensor ellipsoid principal moments for actin. Upper right corner is more 1D-character (rod), bottom right is more 2D character (disk), and bottom left is more 3D character (sphere). Inset: Gyration tensor ellipsoid with principal moments labeled; √(L1) is the shortest semiaxis, √(L2) is the middle semiaxis, and √(L3) is the longest semiaxis. (b) Dimensionality plot of the ratios of the square roots of the gyration tensor ellipsoid principal moments for nucleus. Inset: Expanded view of the data. (c) L1-depth for actin. L1-depth is the depth of the cell parallel to the L1-axis (caliper distance) representing the thinnest cell dimension and is a gauge of cell height. (d) L1-depth for nucleus. (e) 3D plot of the √(L3/L1), √(L3/L2), and L1-depth for actin using data from panels a and c. (f) 3D plot of the √(L3/L1),√(L3/L2), and L1-depth for nucleus using data from panels b and d. Approximately 100 cells were imaged for each scaffold (Table 1) and error bars represent 2 standard deviations of the mean. In panels c and d, bars with an a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i or j are significantly different from SC, SCOS, NF, NFOS, MF, PPS, MG, FG, CG, or CF, respectively (P < 0.05, 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test, Figure S3).