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. 2024 Jun 24;38:e053. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2024.vol38.0053

Table 2. Mean and standard deviation of erosion depth (in µm) of sealant materials and enamel after 3 days of exposure to different solutions, obtained by the profilometry analysis (n = 240).

Material Acidic challenge

Water (Ctrl) Orange juice Coke drink Citric acid
Enamel (Ctrl) 0.23 (0.18) Ac 26.86 (7.54) Ab 18.53 (19.04) Ab 78.13 (26.06) Aa
Fuji IX 2.51 (2.29) Ab 1.86 (1.13) Bb 4.76 (1.91) Bb 32.02 (5.83) Ca
Ketac Molar 1.93 (0.98) Ab 1.81 (1.14) Bb 2.12 (3.36) Bb 15.24 (6.81) Da
Equia 1.15 (0.47) Ab 0.55 (0.35) Bb 0.87 (1.23) Bb 13.39 (4.17) Ea
Fuji II 3.15 (2.26) Ab 3.98 (2.55) Bb 6.34 (4.68) A,Bb 51.60 (8.01) Ba
Clinpro 0.32 (0.41) Aa 0.85 (0.58) Ba 0.65 (0.48) Ba 1.06 (0.56) Fa

Different upper-case letters: statistical difference (p<0.05) considering the material factor (column); Different lower-case letters: statistical difference (p<0.05) considering the solution factor (lines).