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. 2024 Jan 18;63(SI2):SI195–SI206. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keae025

Table 1.

Overall populationa, baseline demographic data and disease characteristics in the overall population

Parameter Overall patients (N =569) New abatacept users (n =134) Continuous abatacept users (n =435) P values (new vs continuing users)
Duration of abatacept therapy at enrolment, years, median (Q1, Q3) 0.5 (0.1, 1.5) 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 0.9 (0.4, 2.0) <0.0001h
Patients with prior abatacept useb, n (%) 493 (86.6)c 58 (43.3) 435 (100.0)
Patients already receiving abatacept at baselined, n (%) 567 (99.6)e 134 (100.0) 433 (99.5)
Categories of overall observation time, years, n (%) 0.0002i
 ≤1 172 (30.2) 57 (42.5) 115 (26.4)
 >1 to ≤2 137 (24.1) 36 (26.9) 101 (23.2)
 >2 to ≤7 259 (45.5) 41 (30.6) 218 (50.1)
 >7 to 10 1 (0.2) 0 0 1 (0.2)
Overall observation, years, median (Q1, Q3) 1.9 (0.8, 3.3) 1.2 (0.5, 2.1) 2.0 (1.0, 3.7) <0.0001h
Patient-years of observation in study 1214.6 204.7 1009.9
Baseline characteristics
Age at enrolment, years, median (Q1, Q3) 13.6 (10.7, 16.0) 13.1 (10.2, 16.3) 13.6 (10.9, 15.9) 0.5818h
Age group at enrolment, years, n (%) 0.0135i
 2–5f 21 (3.7) 9 (6.7) 12 (2.8)
 6–12 223 (39.2) 57 (42.5) 166 (38.2)
 13–18 313 (55.0) 68 (50.7) 245 (56.3)
 >18 12 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 12 (2.8)
Female, n (%) 454 (79.8) 110 (82.1) 344 (79.1)
Disease duration at enrolment, years, mean (S.D.) 5.5 (3.8) 5.0 (4.0) 5.7 (3.8) 0.0334h
Active joints (ACR definition), median (Q1, Q3) 1.0 (0.0, 3.0) 3.0 (1.0, 8.0) 0.0 (0.0, 2.0) <0.0001h
Joints with a limited range of movement, median (Q1, Q3) 1.0 (0.0, 4.0) 2.0 (1.0, 10.0) 0.0 (0.0, 2.0) <0.0001h
Physician Global Assessment of Disease Activity, VAS 0–10, median (Q1, Q3) 1.0 (0.0, 3.0) 3.8 (2.0, 5.0) 1.0 (0.0, 2.0) <0.0001h
Uveitis, n (%)
 History of uveitis (past and present) 77 (13.5) 24 (17.9) 53 (12.2)
 Active uveitis at time of enrolment 29 (5.1) 14 (10.5) 15 (3.5)
JIA categories, n (%) 0.0008i
 Polyarticular RF− 289 (50.8) 62 (46.3) 227 (52.2)
 Oligoarticular 134 (23.6) 40 (29.9) 94 (21.6)
 Polyarticular RF+ 54 (9.5) 12 (9.0) 42 (9.7)
 Undifferentiated 33 (5.8) 3 (2.2) 30 (6.9)
 PsA 26 (4.6) 4 (3.0) 22 (5.1)
 Enthesitis-related 20 (3.5) 12 (9.0) 8 (1.8)
 Systemic 13 (2.3) 1 (0.8) 12 (2.8)
JIA-related medication (prior to and/or at baseline), n (%) 523/558 (93.7) 122/131 (93.1) 401/427 (93.9)
 MTX 523/558 (93.7) 122/131 (93.1) 401/427 (93.9)
 NSAIDs 249/558 (44.6) 46/131 (35.1) 203/427 (47.5)
 Systemic steroids 41/558 (7.4) 6/131 (4.6) 35/427 (8.2)
 LEF 57/558 (10.2) 10/131 (7.6) 47/427 (11.0)
 SSZ 37/558 (6.6) 8/131 (6.1) 29/427 (6.8)
 Adalimumabg 224/558 (40.1) 77/131 (58.8) 147/427 (34.4)
 Etanercept 267/558 (47.9) 67/131 (51.2) 200/427 (46.8)

Patient-time of follow-up stratified by duration of abatacept treatment at registry entry.


For prior abatacept use, any patient whose first abatacept dose was on or after baseline was included.


Two patients took abatacept prior to baseline visit but were not on abatacept at baseline.


For patients already receiving abatacept at baseline, any patient taking abatacept at baseline where it was not the first dose was included.


All 569 patients had used abatacept prior to baseline, but two patients were not taking abatacept at the baseline visit.


Data are from real-world settings, as treatment was administered at the physician’s discretion.


One patient with PsA was receiving abatacept and adalimumab simultaneously.


Mann–Whitney U test.


Fisher’s exact test.

Q1: first quartile; Q3: third quartile; VAS: visual analogue scale.