Men |
508 (47.0) |
Women |
572 (53.0) |
Age (years) |
18–29 |
140 (13.0) |
30–59 |
615 (56.9) |
≥60 |
325 (30.1) |
Education level
Tertiary – university degree |
469 (43.4) |
Lower than tertiary – primary, secondary, or vocational school |
611 (56.6) |
Occupational status
Active (currently employed) |
656 (60.7) |
Passive (not currently employed) |
424 (39.3) |
Household income class
High |
330 (30.6) |
Medium |
606 (56.1) |
Low |
144 (13.3) |
Number of household members
1 |
134 (12.4) |
≥2 |
946 (87.6) |
Region of residence
Rural |
416 (38.5) |
Urban |
664 (61.5) |
Nicotine product use behaviors
Current tobacco smoking |
328 (30.4) |
Former smokers |
304 (28.1) |
Never smokers |
448 (41.5) |
Ever e-cigarette use |
356 (33.0) |
Current e-cigarette use |
164 (15.2) |
Ever heated tobacco use |
223 (20.6) |
Current heated tobacco use |
118 (10.9) |
Harm perception of nicotine pouches compared to combustible cigarettes
Less harmful |
305 (28.2) |
As harmful |
656 (60.7) |
More harmful |
119 (11.0) |