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. 2024 Sep 6;77(4):e20230339. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2023-0339

Table 2. Sociodemographic characteristics related to access to news and information about COVID-19. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022.

Sociodemographic profile Social media p value2 Television p value2
Total N = 3901 I do not “use” this mean of information N = 1631 It hasn’t affected me N = 1141 It has affected me physically and/or psychologically N = 1131 I do not “use” this mean of information N = 1631 It hasn’t affected me N = 1141 It has affected me physically and/or psychologically N = 1131 p value2
Sex 0.347 0.640
Female 293 (75.1) 126 (77.3) 80 (70.2) 87 (77.0) 22 (73.3) 131 (73.) 140 (77.3)
Male 97 (24.9) 37 (22.7) 34 (29.8) 26 (23.0) 8 (26.7) 48 (26.8) 41 (22.7)
Age <0.001 <0.001
60 - 65 years old 134 (34.4) 31 (19.0) 40 (35.1) 63 (55.8) 12 (40.0) 42 (23.5) 80 (44.2)
66 - 75 years old 138 (35.4) 49 (30.1) 52 (45.6) 37 (32.7) 11 (36.7) 64 (35.8) 63 (34.8)
76 years or older 118 (30.3) 83 (50.9) 22 (19.3) 13 (11.5) 7 (23.3) 73 (40.8) 38 (21.0)
Marital status 0.071 0.578
Married/living 199 (51.0) 80 (49.1) 59 (51.8) 60 (53.1) 15 (50.0) 93 (52.0) 91 (50.3)
Widower 73 (18.7) 42 (25.8) 13 (11.4) 18 (15.9) 4 (13.3) 35 (19.6) 34 (18.8)
Separated/separated 67 (17.2) 22 (13.5) 24 (21.1) 21 (18.6) 4 (13.3) 27 (15.1) 36 (19.9)
Single 51 (13.1) 19 (11.7) 18 (15.8) 14 (12.4) 7 (23.3) 24 (13.4) 20 (11.0)
Cohabitants 0.177 0.280
None 71 (18.2) 29 (17.8) 19 (16.7) 23 (20.4) 5 (16.7) 30 (16.8) 36 (19.9)
1 person 145 (37.2) 63 (38.7) 43 (37.7) 39 (34.5) 10 (33.3) 73 (40.8) 62 (34.3)
2 people 93 (23.8) 41 (25.2) 33 (28.9) 19 (16.8) 10 (33.3) 46 (25.7) 37 (20.4)
3 people or more 81 (20.8) 30 (18.4) 19 (16.7) 32 (28.3) 5 (16.7) 30 (16.8) 46 (25.4)
Type of property 0.220 0.135
Own residence 319 (81.8) 134 (82.2) 95 (83.3) 90 (79.6) 24 (80.0) 145 (81.0) 150 (82.9)
Rented residence 46 (11.8) 17 (10.4) 10 (8.8) 19 (16.8) 3 (10.0) 18 (10.1) 25 (13.8)
Family residence 25 (6.4) 12 (7.4) 9 (7.9) 4 (3.5) 3 (10.0) 16 (8.9) 6 (3.3)
Education level <0.001 <0.001
Illiterate 9 (2.3) 7 (4.3) 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9) 0 (0.0) 6 (3.4) 3 (1.7)
Complete or incomplete 124 (31.8) 79 (48.5) 23 (20.2) 22 (19.5) 0 (0.0) 66 (36.9) 58 (32.0)
basic education
High school 108 (27.7) 46 (28.2) 27 (23.7) 35 (31.0) 9 (30.0) 52 (29.1) 47 (26.0)
Graduation 70 (17.9) 17 (10.4) 32 (28.1) 21 (18.6) 11 (36.7) 32 (17.9) 27 (14.9)
Postgraduate 79 (20.3) 14 (8.6) 31 (27.2) 34 (30.1) 10 (33.3) 23 (12.8) 46 (25.4)

1 n (%); 2 Pearson’s Chi-squared test; Fisher’s exact test; *p value < 0,05; sd = standard deviation.