Figure 2. Fold-changes of concentration of cfmiRNAs in extracted RNA from plasma over concentration of cfmiRNAs in whole plasma, according to different platforms used.
(A) RNA extracted from plasma over concentration of miRNAs in whole plasma measured by EdgeSeq, (B) miRNAs in RNA extracted from plasma measured by RNA-Seq (SeqMatic) over concentration of cfmiRNAs in whole plasma measured by EdgeSeq, and (C) cfmiRNAs in RNA extracted from plasma measured by RNA-Seq (LC Sciences) over concentration of cfmiRNAs in whole plasma measured by EdgeSeq analyzed using the voom, lmFit, and eBayes functions in the limma package. FC, fold-change. (D) Spearman correlation coefficients between concentration of cfmiRNAs in RNA extracted from plasma measured by qRT-PCR and concentration of miRNAs in whole plasma measured by EdgeSeq. Red dots indicate risk ESKD-associated cfmiRNAs. Blue dots indicate protective ESKD-associated miRNAs. Detailed comparisons are shown in Table 3.