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. 2024 Sep 5;187(18):4981–4995.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.037

CD14-BV510 Biolegend Cat. # 301842; RRID: AB_2561946
CD3-BV510 Biolegend Cat. # 317332; RRID: AB_2561943
CD56-BV510 Biolegend Cat. # 318340; RRID: AB_2561944
CD19-ECD Beckman Coulter Cat. # IM2708U; RRID: AB_130854
IgA-Alexa Fluor 647 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat. # 109-606-011; RRID: AB_2337895
IgD-PE-Cy7 BD Cat. # 561314; RRID: AB_10642457
IgM-PerCP-Cy5.5 BD Cat. # 561285; RRID: AB_10611998
CD27-Alexa Fluor 488 Biolegend Cat. # 393204; RRID: AB_2750089
CD38-APC-Cy7 Biolegend Cat. # 303534; RRID: AB_2561605
Anti-human IgG Fc Jackson Immunoresearch Cat. # 109-005-098; RRID: AB_2337541
Goat anti-human IgG-Alexa Fluor 647 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat. # 109-606-170; RRID: AB_2337902
Goat anti-human IgA-Cy3 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat. # 109-166-011; RRID: AB_2337733
Anti-human CH1 VHH Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 7103202100
Anti-human kappa fragment VHH Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 7103272100
Anti-human lambda fragment VHH Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 7103082100
Anti-His Alexa Fluor 647 Invitrogen Cat. # MA1-135-A647; RRID: AB_2610637
42D6 Patel et al.62 N/A

Biological samples

Cell/Plasma samples from Malian cohort Tran et al.27 N/A
Cell/Serum samples from RH5 vaccine recipients Minassian et al.19 N/A

Chemicals, peptides and recombinant proteins

RH5 Wright et al.14 and Crosnier et al.45 N/A
CyRPA Ragotte et al.35 N/A
MSP1 Crosnier et al.45 N/A
IL21 Gibco Cat. # PHC0211
R848 Invivogen Cat. # tlrl-r848
R5.008 Alanine et al.26 N/A
Plasma Cell Survival Medium Berkeley Lights Cat. # 520-08022
Mycozap Lonza Cat. # VZA-2021
Memory B cell Activation Medium Berkeley Lights Cat. # 750-08121
Penicillin/Streptomycin Invitrogen Cat. # 15140122
Cd4 Crosnier et al.45 N/A
OptoSelect 11k chip Berkeley Lights Cat. # 500-12012
2.5 μm streptavidin beads, Yellow, Odd # peaks Spherotech Cat. # SVFA-2552-6K
2.5 μm streptavidin beads, Yellow, Even # peaks Spherotech Cat. # SVFB-2552-6K
2.5 μm streptavidin beads, Pink, Odd # peaks Spherotech Cat. # SVFA-2558-6K
2.5 μm streptavidin beads, Pink, Even # peaks Spherotech Cat. # SVFB-2558-6K
7 μm streptavidin beads Spherotech Cat. # SVP-60-5
CountBright™ Absolute Counting Beads Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # C36950
LIVE/DEAD Fixable Aqua Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # L34966
10× HBSTE Carterra Cat. # 3630
0.1 M MES pH 5.5 Carterra Cat. # 3625
Sodium Acetate pH 4.5 Carterra Cat. # 3802
10% Tween Carterra Cat. # 3631
10 mM Glycine pH 2 Carterra Cat. # 3640
1 M Ethanolamine pH 8.5 Carterra Cat. # 3626
EDC Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # PG82079
NHS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 24510
SYBR Green I Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # S7585
Horseradish peroxidase Invitrogen Cat. # A18817
POD substrate Roche Cat. # 11582950001
Dynabeads™ mRNA DIRECT™ Purification Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 61012
SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 18090010
Human RBC BloodWorks Northwest, Seattle, WA, USA N/A
PEIMax Polysciences Cat. # 24765-1
FreeStyle™ F17 Expression Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # A1383501
MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X) Gibco Cat. # 11140035
EX-CELL 420 media Sigma Aldrich Cat. # 14420C
RPMI-1640 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 11875119
DMEM Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 11965118
L-glutamine Gibco Cat. # 25030081

Critical commercial assays

Pierce Fab Preparation kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 44985
Expi293F expression system Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # A14635
ExpiFectamine 293 Transfection Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # A14524

Deposited data

RH5 mAb sequences (10 most potent) NCBI GenBank GenBank: PP840862-PP840881
R5.008 structure Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB: 8PWX
MAD8-151 structure Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB: 8PWW
MAD8-502 structure Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB: 8PWV
MAD10-255 structure Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB: 8PWU
MAD10-466 structure Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB: 8Q5D

Experimental models: cell lines

Irradiated 3T3-CD40L cells Huang et al.49 and Moir et al.50 N/A
Expi293 cells Gibco Cat. # A14527; RRID: CVCL_D615
FreeStyle™ 293-F cells Thermo Fisher Scientific R79007
THP-1 cells American Type Culture Collection TIB-202
Drosophila S2 cells ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies N/A

Experimental models: organisms/strains

FRG huHep mice with a NOD background Yecuris, Inc. (Beaverton, OR, USA) N/A
P. falciparum (strain NF54) Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute Insectary Core N/A
Mosquitoes Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute Insectary Core N/A


PCR primers for amplification of antibody heavy, kappa, and lambda genes Wang et al.40 GenBank: MT811859 – MT811914

Software and algorithms

Geneious Prime Version 2021.0.3
FlowJo BD Version 10.8.1
Cell Analysis Suite Berkeley Lights Version
GraphPad Prism Graphpad Version 9.3.1
iReceptor database N/A
Epitope Software Carterra N/A
Kinetics Software Carterra N/A
International Immunogenetics Information System database (IMGT) N/A
Immcantation Change-O tool N/A


HiTrap Protein A columns Cytiva/GE Healthcare Life Sciences Cat. # 17040303
HisTrap HP columns Cytiva/GE Healthcare Life Sciences Cat. # 17524802
CaptureSelect CH1-XL Affinity Matrix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. # 194346205L
ScisGo™ Scisco Genetics Cat. # HLA-24S-v6
MiSeq Kit v2 Illumina Cat. # MS-102-2003
iQue Screener Plus Intellicyt N/A
Beacon analyzer Berkeley Lights N/A
LSA Carterra N/A
HC30M chip Carterra Cat. # 4279
CMDP chip Carterra Cat. # 4282
SAHC30M chip Carterra Cat. # 4294
Enspire multi-mode plate reader PerkinElmer N/A