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[Preprint]. 2024 Aug 30:2024.08.30.610426. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.08.30.610426

Extended Data Fig. 9. EP300 and partner transcription factors are important for zonal liver development.

Extended Data Fig. 9.

a) Experimental timeline for testing role of EP300 in zonal liver development using Ad-shp300 (adenoviral vector for p300 shRNA, top). H&E stain for sections from rat liver injected with Ad-shSCR (adenoviral vector for scrambled shRNA, middle) and Ad-shp300 (adenoviral vector for p300 shRNA, bottom). Scale bar indicates 200 µm. (P: Portal vein, C: Central vein)

b) ICH stain for PROX1, ARG1, and GLUL of sections from rat liver injected with Ad-shSCR (adenoviral vector for scrambled shRNA, top) and Ad-shp300 (adenoviral vector for p300 shRNA, bottom). Scale bar indicates 200 µm. (P: Portal vein, C: Central vein)

c) RT-qPCR of ALB, ACSS2, ASL, CPS1, and OTC (zone 1) gene for Z1- and Z3-HLOs compared to freshly isolated PHH, H20 (20 um periportal hepatocytes) and H40 (40 um pericentral hepatocytes) (Data is mean ± SD, n = 9 independent experiments).

d) RT-qPCR of ALDH1A2, ALDH6A1, HIF1A, SREBF1, and GLUL (zone 3) gene for Z1- and Z3-HLOs compared to freshly isolated PHH, H20 (20 um periportal hepatocytes) and H40 (40 um pericentral hepatocytes) (Data is mean ± SD, n = 9 independent experiments).

e) EP300-TF ChIP-reChIP-PCR for H20 (20 um periportal hepatocytes) and H40 (40 um pericentral hepatocytes).

f) NR3C1-MECP2 ChIP-reChIP-qPCR for samples in (e). Data are mean ± SD, n = 9 independent experiments.