Features considered relevant by the evolutionary feature selection algorithm
Each bar denotes how many times a feature was picked by GA for SOFA score prediction. Features used in the patient state analysis are highlighted as dark blue.
(A) Continuous features encompass various information (such as age, height, and body weight), laboratory (leukocyte count, hematocrit levels, and creatinine levels), drug-related information (concentration and infusion rate), and physiological measurements (such as breathing rate, body temperature, and mean arterial pressure).
(B) Discrete features consist of yes/no questions and ordinal variables, such as the presence of metabolic acidosis, renal dysfunction, or the need for renal replacement.
(C) Whether a pathogen could be detected in the patient. Microbiology reports cover 36 different pathogens, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens such as Chlamydia species; (D) whether a detected pathogen is resistant to piperacillin and (E) whether the pathogen type is responsible for the sepsis episode. See Table S1 for more details.