Figure 6.
FRET efficiency versus CopR concentration. With increasing CopR concentration the FRET efficiency of the doubly labeled 19 bp DNA fragment containing the minimum operator sequence decreases by ∼3%. The insert shows the quenching of the donor fluorescein by increasing protein concentration. The donor intensity in a donor-only sample decreases by ∼30% while the quenching in the fluorescein and rhodamine labeled sample is ∼2–3% less corresponding with the decreasing FRET efficiency in the complex. While the donor fluorescence quantum yield has a direct influence on the Forster distance R0 (see Materials and Methods) and therefore an influence on the measured FRET efficiencies, this quenching effect has to be taken into account in calculating the change of the dye-to-dye distance in the free and bound DNA. Thus, the distance between the dyes attached to the DNA helix ends decreases from 6.4 ± 0.1 nm (R0 = 5.0 nm) in the free DNA to 6.2 ± 0.1 nm (R0 = 4.7 nm) in the complex with CopR indicating a slight bend of the DNA in the complex. The dissociation constant of the CopR–DNA complex in solution determined from the FRET efficiency and the quenching data was 1.6 ± 0.9 nM.