1. |
AutoGrow4 |
Genetic algorithm |
http://durrantlab.com/autogrow4 |
It is used for the de novo drug designing and lead optimization purposes |
Spiegel and Durrant68
2. |
TrixX |
ML |
– |
The structure-based molecule catalog applied for extensive virtual screening in sublinear time |
Schellhammer and Rarey69
3. |
LS-align |
ML |
http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/LS-align/ |
The atomic-level, flexible ligand structural alignment algorithm used for high-throughput virtual screening |
Hu et al.70
4. |
StackCBPred |
ML |
https://bmll.cs.uno.edu/ |
The prediction of protein-carbohydrate binding sites from the available sequence using the stacking-based |
Gattani et al.71
5. |
DrugFinder |
ML |
https://drugfinder.ca/ |
In silico virtual screening service for search a drug or medical condition |
Lagarde et al.72
6. |
LigGrep |
ML |
http://durrantlab.com/liggrep/ |
The web tool applied for filtering docked complex to improve virtual-screening hit rates |
Ha et al.73
7. |
Conventional similarity algorithms |
– |
The local-weighted structural alignment web tool used for virtual pharmaceutical screening |
Li et al.74
8. |
DEEPScreen |
CNNs |
https://github.com/cansyl/DEEPscreen |
The web tool used for high-performance DTI prediction |
Rifaioglu et al.75
9. |
Distance-scaled |
https://github.com/sysu-yanglab/DLIGAND2 |
This web toll used for analysis of improved knowledge-based energy purpose for protein–ligand interactions |
Chen et al.76
10. |
Dr.VAE |
ML |
https://github.com/rampasek/DrVAE |
It models both the drug response in relations of viability and the cellular transcriptomic perturbations |
Rampášek et al.77
11. |
ML |
– |
It shows the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of the drug molecules |
Ibrahim et al.78
12. |
MoleculeNet |
ML |
https://moleculenet.org/ |
Used for accurate predictions about molecular properties of drug –and its comparison |
Wu et al.79
13. |
DL |
– |
The DTI prediction tool performed to outperform the prevailing state-of-the-art methods by the intelligent interface |
Nag et al.67
14. |
DeepDTA |
DL |
https://github.com/hkmztrk/DeepDTA |
The non-structure-based method and usages SMILES as input data for drugs. The amino acids sequences are likewise encoded in SMILES |
Ozturk et al.80
15. |
WideDTA |
DL |
– |
The web tool holds text-based sources of information as input, where the proteins are signified by smaller lengths of residues are not identified in full-length sequence |
Nag et al.67
16. |
DL |
– |
This tool predict method, which usages drug molecules-target landscapes and fingerprints (as the input) |
Feng et al.81
17. |
DeepAffinity |
DL |
– |
Structural property sequence representation that annotates the sequence with structural information, which are shorter than the other representations, provides structural details efficiently and gives higher resolution of the sequences |
Karimi et al.82
18. |
DeepChem |
DL |
https://github.com/deepchem/deepchem |
The DNNs applied to analyze medicines and predict drug-related features, including as bioactivities and physicochemical qualities |
Altae-Tran et al.83
19. |
DeepConv-DTI |
DL |
https://github.com/GIST-CSBL/DeepConv-DTI. |
This tool predict the model capturing local residue patterns of proteins in identification of DTIs |
Lee et al.84
20. |
DeepCPI |
DL |
https://github.com/FangpingWan/DeepCPI |
It accurately predict and identification of compound-protein interactions at a large scale |
Wan et al.85
21. |
DeepDTnet |
DL |
https://github.com/ChengF-Lab/deepDTnet |
This DL-based tool offers a potent network-based methodology for identification of target to expedite drug repurposing and reduce the translational gap in drug development |
Zeng et al.86
22. |
DeepGRMF |
DL |
https://github.com/renshuangxia/DeepGRMF |
It offers anintegrated graph models, NNs, and matrix-factorization methods to operate diverse information from drug chemical structures and predict cell response to drugs |
Ren et al.87
23. |
DeepLIFT |
DL |
https://github.com/kundajelab/deeplift |
This tool predicts drug response in cancer cell lines and their mechanism of action and evaluated its performance using three cross-validation schemes |
Sada Del Real and Rubio88
24. |
DeepSide |
DL |
http://github.com/OnurUner/DeepSide |
It exploits data concerning the drug targets, structural fingerprints, and drug side effects |
Arshed et al.89