Extended Data Fig. 2. Age, ancestry, and sex relationships with TelSeq & qPCR telomere length measurements.
For each panel y-axes denote telomere length residuals after regressing out age, sex, or ancestry depending on the x-axis variable. In all panels N for qPCR and TelSeq + Coverage is 462,666 and 482,839 independent UKB participants respectively. For each boxplot the centre is the median, the lower and upper hinges indicate the 25th and 75th percentile and outliers are represented as individual points. (A) Boxplot of age by telomere length residuals. (B) Boxplot for broad genetic ancestry group (AFR = African, AMR = Admixed American/Hispanic ASJ = Ashkenazi Jewish, EAS = East Asian, NFE = Non-Finnish European, SAS = South Asian) by telomere length residuals. (C) Boxplot for sex by telomere length residuals.