Distribution of studies and cases included in the meta-analysis
(A) Spatial distribution of publications used in the analysis. Colors show the number of studies from each country that were included in the analysis. Gray areas indicate countries where no studies had been conducted that were included in this analysis. Black dots indicate location of studies where GPS coordinates were available (84% of studies).
(B) The number of cases (i.e., an effect size with associated information on GC, environmental stressor, and other information) classified as each GC and each body size category.
(C) Taxonomic distribution of cases included in this analysis. Colors distinguish different taxonomic groups only. Taxonomic group assignment was based on information provided in the original publication, and thus are at different taxonomic levels but classified based on the lowest possible taxonomic level (e.g., “Invertebrates” when the publication only referred to data at no specific level, versus Arthropods where cases could only be identified to phylum level, and “Insects” when cases were specified to class level). Data were only suitable when the community was measured above family level (except in the case of Enchytraeids). “Others” refers to 10 other groups. Groupings were based on Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas (GSBA;64) (Table S2).