Fig 1.
Postoperative doppler imaging, limb function score, ambulatory ability, and ex vivo muscle contractility. (A) Representative pre- and immediate postligation doppler images confirming blood flow (depicted as red on the image) was reduced distal to the ligatures of the affected (left) limb in low-fat, low-sucrose (LFS)-fed and high-fat, high-sucrose (HFS)-fed mice. Representative doppler images showing change in blood flow to the affected limb 4-weeks following ligation are also provided. (B) A mixed effect ANOVA and pairwise comparisons using Bonferroni adjustment revealed reduced Tarlov scores (i.e., functional deficits) in mice fed a HFS diet (n = 10) but were unaltered in LFS-fed mice (n = 12). Tarlov scores are defined as: no movement (0), barely visible movement, nonweight bearing (1), frequent and vigorous movement but nonweight bearing (2), supports weight and may take 1 or 2 steps (3), walks with a mild deficit (4), normal but slow walking (5), full and fast walking (6).32,44 (C) An independent samples t-test showed 4-week postoperative 6-minute walking distance was reduced in obese mice compared to their LFS-fed counterparts. (D) Peak isometric force (measured at 100 Hz) was reduced in isolated ischemic (Isch) soleus muscles from both HFS and LFS-fed mice compared to non-ischemic (NI) muscle from the contralateral limb. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc tests used for analysis. Data are displayed as mean ± SE; ns represents no significant difference, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, **** P < 0.0001.