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. 2024 Jul 29;15(9):e01034-24. doi: 10.1128/mbio.01034-24

Fig 2.

Graphs show similarity between the CHC profile of individual MD and CL bees sampled at different time points in independent experiments. Bees classified as nurses or foragers are differentiated. MD and CL treatments are clustered together.

The gut microbiota does not affect CHC profile. (a) Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between CHC profiles in the automated behavioral tracking experiment (MD, n = 88; CL, n = 89). (b) NMDS of Euclidean distances between CHC profiles in the RNA-sequencing experiment, after removal of batch effects from two separate GC-MS runs (MD, n = 31; CL_Bifi, n = 29; CL_13, n = 30; CL, n = 30). (c) NMDS of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between CHC profiles in the longitudinal experiment (MD, n = 54; CL, n = 54). (d) NMDS of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between CHC profiles in the single-colony experiment (MD, n = 59; CL, n = 59). Samples are colored by gut microbiota treatment, and shapes indicate nurses and foragers in panels a, b, and d. Samples in panel c are colored by age of the sampled bees, and shapes indicate treatment group.