Fig. 3.
Mean and standard deviation of body composition. (A) Boddy mass pre- and post-training among groups (CON= control group; >7h= Group that sleeps 7 hours; <7h= Group that sleeps less than 7 hours). ANOVA. Interaction: F= 0.89; p = 0.42; 1-β= 0.19. Grupo: F= 0.44; p= 0.65; 1-β= 0.21. Time: F= 0.60; p= 0.44; 1-β= 0.12. (B) BMI pre- and post-training among groups. ANOVA. Interaction: F= 0.53 p= 0.52; 1-β= 0.13. Group: F= 1.81; p= 0.18; 1-β= 0.35. Time: F= 0.76; p= 0.39; 1-β= 0.13. (C) Arm circumference pre- and post-training among groups. ANOVA. Interaction: F= 10.26; p< 0.001; 1-β= 0.98. (*) higher than pre-training. (D) Triceps skinfold pre- and post-training among groups. ANOVA. Interaction: F= 4.83; p= 0.014; 1-β= 0.76. (*) less than pre-training. ( # ) less than 7 hours post-training. (E) Arm muscle area pre- and post-training among groups. ANOVA. Interaction: F= 12.38; p< 0.001; 1-β= 0.99. (*) higher than pre-training.