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. 2024 Jan 31;22(5):395–404. doi: 10.2450/BloodTransfus.603

Table II.

Summary of the indications of activation of a walking Blood Bank

Authors Basic situation Walking blood bank activation
Blood bank product available? Type of Injuries Situation Activation indicator WB used
Lewis et al ., 2020 Yes (CSWB + Full CT) Blast injury, hemorrhage Mass casualties, massive transfusion Depletion of CSWB/evacuation impossible or delayed FWB
Miller et al ., 2018 Yes (frozen pRBC + FFP) No specific injury described: Helicopter crash Mass casualties, massive transfusion Platelets needed/severe coagulopathy FWB
Bassett et al ., 2016 Yes (Full CT) Traumatic amputations, blast injury, shrapnel injury Massive transfusion Combat injured patients likely to require massive transfusion (benefits from early activation) FWB
Strandenes et al ., 2015 No (no blood bank available) No specific injury described: Feasibility study for Norwegian frigate conducting antipiracy operations Remote situation Planning CSWB for banking
Garcia Hejl et al ., 2015 Yes (pRBC, FDP) No specific injury described: Feasibility study Mass casualties, massive transfusion Platelets needed/severe coagulopathy FWB
Hrezo and Clark, 2003 No Rectal bleeding Remote situation Shortage of blood products FWB
Gaspary et al ., 2020 Yes (CSWB + Full CT) No specific injury described: feasibility study Mass casualties, massive transfusion Shortage of blood products (CS LTOWB serve to start massive transfusion until FWB become available from the WBB) FWB
Hakre et al ., 2013 Not reported IED Blast Mass Casualties, massive transfusion + remote situation Shortage of blood products FWB
Malsby et al ., 2005 Not reported Gunshot wound Massive transfusion + remote situation Shortage of blood products FWB
Liu et al ., 2014 Yes (RBC, FFP, PLT) No specific injury described: Hit by a ship cable Massive transfusion To correct coagulopathy when all other blood products failed FWB
Gaddy et al ., 2021 No (any products available at POI) Gunshot wound Remote situation Absence of blood products (transfusion after extraction before evacuation, POI) FWB
Song et al ., 2021 Yes (CSWB) Blast injury Remote situation No access to stored blood product at the POI: Delay for evacuation FWB

CSWB: cold stored whole blood; pRBC: packed red blood cells; FDP: freeze-dried plasma; CT: components therapy; FFP: fresh frozen plasma; RBC: red blood cells; PLT: platelets; POI: point of injury; IED: improvised explosive device; CS LTOWB: cold stored low titer O whole blood; FWB: fresh whole blood; WB: whole blood.