Table II.
Authors | Basic situation | Walking blood bank activation | |||
Blood bank product available? | Type of Injuries | Situation | Activation indicator | WB used | |
Lewis et al ., 2020 | Yes (CSWB + Full CT) | Blast injury, hemorrhage | Mass casualties, massive transfusion | Depletion of CSWB/evacuation impossible or delayed | FWB |
Miller et al ., 2018 | Yes (frozen pRBC + FFP) | No specific injury described: Helicopter crash | Mass casualties, massive transfusion | Platelets needed/severe coagulopathy | FWB |
Bassett et al ., 2016 | Yes (Full CT) | Traumatic amputations, blast injury, shrapnel injury | Massive transfusion | Combat injured patients likely to require massive transfusion (benefits from early activation) | FWB |
Strandenes et al ., 2015 | No (no blood bank available) | No specific injury described: Feasibility study for Norwegian frigate conducting antipiracy operations | Remote situation | Planning | CSWB for banking |
Garcia Hejl et al ., 2015 | Yes (pRBC, FDP) | No specific injury described: Feasibility study | Mass casualties, massive transfusion | Platelets needed/severe coagulopathy | FWB |
Hrezo and Clark, 2003 | No | Rectal bleeding | Remote situation | Shortage of blood products | FWB |
Gaspary et al ., 2020 | Yes (CSWB + Full CT) | No specific injury described: feasibility study | Mass casualties, massive transfusion | Shortage of blood products (CS LTOWB serve to start massive transfusion until FWB become available from the WBB) | FWB |
Hakre et al ., 2013 | Not reported | IED Blast | Mass Casualties, massive transfusion + remote situation | Shortage of blood products | FWB |
Malsby et al ., 2005 | Not reported | Gunshot wound | Massive transfusion + remote situation | Shortage of blood products | FWB |
Liu et al ., 2014 | Yes (RBC, FFP, PLT) | No specific injury described: Hit by a ship cable | Massive transfusion | To correct coagulopathy when all other blood products failed | FWB |
Gaddy et al ., 2021 | No (any products available at POI) | Gunshot wound | Remote situation | Absence of blood products (transfusion after extraction before evacuation, POI) | FWB |
Song et al ., 2021 | Yes (CSWB) | Blast injury | Remote situation | No access to stored blood product at the POI: Delay for evacuation | FWB |
CSWB: cold stored whole blood; pRBC: packed red blood cells; FDP: freeze-dried plasma; CT: components therapy; FFP: fresh frozen plasma; RBC: red blood cells; PLT: platelets; POI: point of injury; IED: improvised explosive device; CS LTOWB: cold stored low titer O whole blood; FWB: fresh whole blood; WB: whole blood.