Fig. 3.
A plot of relative differences in sorghum root system architectural traits under optimal P and P-deficient conditions at 21 and 42 days after germination. The relative difference (RD) was obtained by the differences between adjusted means, from equation [4] above, of the two conditions and based on the optimal P condition RD = X0 − X1/X1. The mean comparisons between the two timepoints were performed using t test at 0.95 confidence level. Trait labels: dry shoot weight (ShtW); dry root weight (RtW); maximum number of roots (MaxnR); number of root tips (noRtips); total root length (TrLngth); maximum width (MaxWdth); network area (NetA); convex area (ConA); solidity (Soldty), average diameter (AvDim); perimeter (Per); volume (Vol); surface area (SurfA); average root orientation (AvOrnt)