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. 2024 Aug 1;16(8):e1033–e1039. doi: 10.4317/jced.61814

Table 1.

Recent literature management of oral verruca vulgaris.

No. Author Year Gender and age Clinical findings Intervention Outcome
1 Tebcherany, et al. (12). 2022 Male (71) An irregular outlined lesion at the junction of the soft and hard palate on the right side. The lesion raised rough pink to white plaque with a verrucous surface and ill-defined margin. It measured 6 x 6mm, hard on palpation and sessile fixed-based. Excisional biopsy under local anesthesia. Clinical follow-up at six months postoperatively showed complete tissue healing with no signs of recurrence.
2 Ruiz-Huertas, et al. (17). 2022 Female (74) Recurrent of oral florid papillomatosis on lower lip – post excision Application of topical Imiquimod 5%, three times a week. Complete disappearance of the lesion after 16 weeks usage of imiquimod 5%.
3 Khoo et al., (26). 2021 Male (49) A whitish lesion confined to the middle of a torus palatinus. Asymptomatic and not tender on palpation. Excisional biopsy and torectomy under local anesthesia. 14 days after surgery, the site had healed uneventfully. At 6 months follow-up revealed no recurrence.
4 Bouguezzi, et al. (27). 2020 Male (23) A solitary proliferative verrucous growth on the labial mucosa. The lesion was exophytic and sessile with irregular margin. surface of the lesion was irregular at the periphery with finger-like projection. The color was white and soft in consistency. Excisional biopsy under local anesthesia. Two weeks follow-up, the patient was completely asymptomatic, and no reccurence had been seen at the 1-year follow-up.
5 Mattoo, et al. (8). 2017 Male (48) A solitary proliferative verrucous growth on the left buccal mucosa. Exophytic lesion and sessile, approximately 2 x 3 cm in size, irregular margin, the surface of the lesion was irregular at the periphery with finger-like projection at the center. Excisional biopsy under local anesthesia. The clinical follow-up showed complete tissue healing, with no recurrence at the 1-year follow-up.