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. 2024 Aug 30;15:1445294. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1445294

Table 2.

Clinical inflammation- and thrombosis-associated biomarkers sorted according to COVID-19 patients` genotypes of the 4G/5G and + >43 G PAI-1 gene polymorphisms.

Thrombosis-associated marker 4G4G (n=11) 4G5G (n=10) p-values 4G4G (n=11) 5G5G (n=10) p-values GG (n=39) GA (n=7) p-values
D-Dimer (0-1µg/dL) 1.75 [1.3-2.08] 1.5 [1.2-1.8] 0.4976 1.75 [1.3-2.08] 1.9 [1.35-2.6] 0.8199 1.65 [1.23-2.0] 1.9 [1.25-8.9] 0.3542
Fibrinogen (150 - 400mg/dL) 418.0 [363.5-504.0] 402.0 [358.5-510.5] 0.9070 418.0 [363.5-504.0] 381.0 [349.25-591.5] 0.8461 453.5 [376.0-577.0] 358.0 [311.5-388.0] 0.2409
Platelets (153-346x103/µL) 207.0 [166.0-228.75] 200.0 [170.0-220.0] 0.6219 207.0 [166.0-228.75] 203.5 [173.75-223.25] 1 196.0 [166.0-226.0] 204.0 [187.5-220.5] 0.6954
PT INR 0.99 [0.98-1.0] 0.99 [0.96-1.04] 0.7594 0.99 [0.98-1.0] 1.0 [0.95-1.07] 0.8083 0.99 [0.96-1.04] 1.0 [0.95-1.1] 1
Troponin T(0-0.1ng/dL) 3.5 [0.76-4.0] 5.0 [4.5-10.0] 0.0278 3.5 [0.76-4.0] 8.0 [3.0-12.25] 0.0893 5.0 [3.0-8.75] 5.0 [4.0-11.0] 0.5043
Inflammation-associated marker
WBC (3.9-9.7 x103/µL) 4.85 [3.88-5.58] 4.5 [3.6-5.9] 0.9417 4.85 [3.88-5.58] 4.65 [4.32-6.1] 0.7623 4.85 [3.8-5.98] 4.2 [3.7-4.4] 0.3393
Neutrophil (25-60 x102/µL) 3.31 [2.69-828.89] 3.0 [2.24-4.51] 0.3518 3.31 [2.69-828.89] 4.46 [1.9-8.76] 0.7337 3.34 [2.43-6.19] 2.59 [1.87-4.68] 0.3161
Lymphocytes (x10²/µL) 28.95 [20.98-30.4] 30.5 [20.4-37.0] 0.4764 28.95 [20.98-30.4] 20.8 [12.78-34.75] 0.6775 28.55 [19.27-35.12] 32.2 [16.85-39.45] 0.6954
CRP (0-0.29mg/dL) 0.66 [0.24-3.19] 0.65 [0.15-4.31] 0.8408 0.66 [0.24-3.19] 0.34 [0.1-5.9] 0.7622 0.66 [0.15-4.2] 0.18 [0.14-3.42] 0.6497
IL6 (0-4pg/mL) 3.9 [2.8-7.1] 4.9 [2.1-18.15] 0.6149 3.9 [2.8-7.1] 4.1 [1.6-5.6] 0.7572 4.6 [1.8-12.4] 4.1 [2.35-6.0] 0.8083
Procalcitonin(0-0.04ng/dL) 0.06 [0.04-0.08] 0.05 [0.03-0.07] 0.7544 0.06 [0.04-0.08] 0.04 [0.03-0.06] 0.4019 0.05 [0.03-0.08] 0.04 [0.03-0.06] 0.4035

Data are means [range] of absolute values per patient obtained at diagnosis. P-values were obtained by comparing the values of a biomarker, considering the genotype, and calculated by X2 or Fischer’s exact test. PT INR, expressed as International Normalized Ratio; prothrombin; WBC, white blood cell counts; IL6, interleukin-6; CRP, C-reactive protein. The data presented here were part of a more extensive study and were analyzed according to patient genotypes [see (14)].