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. 2023 Nov 16;42(9):1404–1416. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01977-4

Extended Data Fig. 3. Generation of NE neurons from hiPSCs.

Extended Data Fig. 3

a–l, Replication of the NE differentiation in W24B (a-f) and W24M (g-l) hiPSCs. a,b,g,h, Immunostaining for NE progenitor markers ASCL1, PHOX2B and PHOX2A at day 11. c,d,i,j, Immunostaining for NE markers PHOX2B, TH and DBH at day 18 (c, i) and day 30 (d,j). e,k, Immunostaining for PNMT in culture. HO, Hoechst. scale bars (a, b, g, h), 50 μm; scale bars (c-e,i-k): 20 μm. f,l, Quantification of PHOX2B and PHOX2B/TH positive cells in culture. Data are shown as mean ± s.d. n = 5 biologically independent samples for each condition.

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