FIG. 4.
Replication kinetics of wild-type and vpx mutant PBj1.9 proviruses. CEMx174 cells (A), macaque PBMCs (B), and terminally differentiated macaque macrophages (C) were infected with the indicated SIVsm(PBj1.9) virus constructs equilibrated by p27gag content (10 ng of p27gag per 106 cells). The isolation and infection of primary macaque PBMCs and macrophages are described in Materials and Methods. Virus replication was assessed by quantifying the amounts of p27gag antigen in culture supernatants at 3-day intervals postinfection. Twenty-one days after infection, adherent macrophages were cocultured for 24 h with 1 × 106 CEMx174 cells. Nonadherent cells were removed and analyzed at 3-day intervals for p27gag antigen production. wt, wild type; X2, negative control.