Single-crystal SAXS experiments with heterobinary AuEnc(neg)/eFtn(pos) (A), eEnc(neg)/CeFtn(pos) (B), and AuEnc(neg)/CeFtn(pos) (C) crystals.
On the left, models of the unit cell with different NP loadings are
shown, while on the right, the experimental data (black) are compared
with the simulated data (colored). Simulated data for an AB3 structure are indicated by a brighter color, while an AB4 structure features a darker color. Reflections only present in structure
type AB3 are labeled with “AB3 only”.
(A) The observed reflections for the AuEnc(neg)/eFtn(pos) crystal fit to the simulated data (red) of a primitive
cubic lattice where only the gold nanoparticle is present within the
unit cell. (B) The observed diffraction for the eEnc(neg)/CeFtn(pos) crystal fits to an AB3 structure
with three cerium oxide nanoparticles in one unit cell but does not
exclude the presence of unit cells of an AB4 structure
(blue). (C) For the AuEnc(neg)/CeFtn(pos) crystal,
the observed reflections fit to the simulated data (green).