of structure models and differences in density maps
of AB3 and AB4 structures. (A) Workflow of data
processing and refinement. (B) The electron density maps of the two
models are depicted. For each model, the AB3 (left) or
AB4 (right) unit cell is shown (inset). For comparison,
the density is visualized at an r.m.s.d. of −0.207 e–/nm3 for the AB3 model and −0.220 e–/nm3 for the AB4 model. (C) Difference
densities for the two structural types. The difference electron density
for the AB3 data was overlaid with the density map of the
AB4 model (left). Very little electron difference density
(green) is observed around the protein shell, indicating that further
density (= ferritin cage) is present. For the right panel, refinement
with the AB4 model shows a lot of negative electron density
(red) for the position of the fourth ferritin, indicating that too
much electron density is present in the model. Difference electron
density visualized at an r.m.s.d. at 1.6 e–/nm3.