Figure 3.
Median time elapsed in each one of the phases of the study. The median number of days was considered for each leg. The number of patients submitted to BT and LD, the number (percent) of patients who developed PLT transfusion dependence (above), severe neutropenia (middle), or RBC transfusion dependence (below), and the number (percent) of patients who achieved or did not achieve recovery before the end of the study are indicated. * Only those patients who developed platelet transfusion dependence (above), severe neutropenia (ANC < 0.5 × 106/L, middle), or RBC transfusion dependence (below) were considered. † Only those patients who achieved platelet transfusion independence (above), reached ANC levels ≥ 0.5 × 106/L (middle), or achieved RBC transfusion independence (below) were considered. ‡ Only those patients who did not recover from platelet transfusion requirement (above), ANC drop to levels < 0.5 × 106/L (middle) or RBC transfusion requirement (below) were considered. ANC, absolute neutrophil counts; BT, bridging chemotherapy; LD, lymphodepleting chemotherapy; PLT, platelets; RBC, red blood cells.