FIG. 4.
CTL responses specific for the transgene products are elicited following transfer of gene-modified T cells. (A) Analysis of PBMC collected from macaque 90152 prior to the infusion of EGFP/neo-modified T cells for the presence of EGFP/neo-specific CTL. (B and C) Analysis of PBMC collected from macaque 90152 on day 7 following infusion of EGFP/neo-modified T cells for the presence of EGFP-specific CTL (B) and neo-specific CTL (C). Aliquots of PBMC were analyzed following stimulation with autologous T cells expressing EGFP and/or neo in a chromium release assay for recognition of target cells, either parental (◊) or transduced to express the EGFP (▵) and neo (●) genes alone and together (▴). (D to F) PBMC from macaque 97140 obtained before (D) and on days 8 (E) and 10 (F) following the first cell dose were cocultured with autologous HyTK-modified T cells and then assayed for HyTK-specific cytolytic activity against target cells, either parental (◊) or transduced to express the HyTK gene (■).