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[Preprint]. 2024 Sep 3:2024.09.03.610970. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.09.03.610970

Table 2:

Ratings correlations within and between domains. Within each domain, the two scales were significantly negatively correlated (shown in bold), indicating that they adequately reflected the opposing dimensions. Boxes indicate contrastive ‘double dissociation’ relationships across domains.

Shape Texture Weight Size Brightness Arousal Valence
Rounded Pointed Hard Soft Light Heavy Small Big Bright Dark Calming Exciting Good Bad

Shape Rounded
Pointed −32 ***
Texture Hard −22*** 78***
Soft .26*** −53*** −59 ***
Weight Light −.01 − 50*** −61*** 47***
Heavy .01 50*** 65*** −49*** −64 ***
Size Small .06 .03 −.01 22*** .26*** −20***
Big 19*** 24*** 33*** −31*** − 48*** 49*** −43 ***
Brightness Bright −.66*** 35*** 21*** −28*** −.02 .01 −.05 06
Dark 46*** −23*** −.07 .04 −23*** 17*** −20*** 25*** −.53 ***
Arousal Calming .36*** − 67*** −.66*** 53*** 48*** −49*** .10 29*** −31*** .12**
Exciting −49*** 40*** 23*** −23*** −.01 .05 .01 .03 50*** −44*** −.33 ***
Valence Good −.11 − 32*** −33*** 14** 39*** −39*** .11* 34*** 17*** −30*** 35*** .1
Bad .07 31*** 29*** −.12** −.26*** 28*** .02 21*** −.08 16*** −.36*** −.02 −51 ***

Degrees of freedom = 535 in all cases


p < .05


p < .01


p < .001

cross-domain comparisons are Bonferroni-corrected for four tests (α = .0125)