Extended Data Tab. 1:
ROI | Dice (200 μm) | Dice (1 mm) |
Cerebral-White-Matter | 0.90871 | 0.81367 |
Ctx-whole | 0.89455 | 0.81493 |
Cerebellum-Cortex | 0.93205 | 0.85472 |
ctx-superiorfrontal | 0.77579 | 0.67069 |
Cerebellum-White-Matter | 0.84393 | 0.65269 |
ctx-inferiorparietal | 0.77458 | 0.68367 |
ctx-precentral | 0.73685 | 0.65937 |
ctx-rostralmiddlefrontal | 0.72036 | 0.66448 |
ctx-superiortemporal | 0.78506 | 0.69595 |
ctx-superiorparietal | 0.63853 | 0.56005 |
ctx-middletemporal | 0.71694 | 0.67675 |
ctx-inferiortemporal | 0.64805 | 0.65658 |
ctx-lateraloccipital | 0.61442 | 0.57929 |
ctx-postcentral | 0.72245 | 0.60464 |
ctx-supramarginal | 0.78025 | 0.66091 |
ctx-precuneus | 0.72374 | 0.61229 |
ctx-fusiform | 0.64278 | 0.5845 |
ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal | 0.69867 | 0.66915 |
Brain-Stem | 0.65342 | 0.64177 |
ctx-insula | 0.80767 | 0.73846 |
ctx-caudalmiddlefrontal | 0.65308 | 0.52521 |
ctx-medialorbitofrontal | 0.73295 | 0.62687 |
ctx-lingual | 0.66735 | 0.59501 |
ctx-parsopercularis | 0.70901 | 0.63893 |
Left-Putamen | 0.9199 | 0.86072 |
ctx-paracentral | 0.66197 | 0.58969 |
ctx-parstriangularis | 0.68932 | 0.65785 |
Left-Caudate | 0.91102 | 0.86814 |
ctx-cuneus | 0.56676 | 0.52349 |
Pons | 0.73371 | 0.6236 |
ctx-caudalanteriorcingulate | 0.6305 | 0.56515 |
ctx-bankssts | 0.67939 | 0.4762 |
ctx-isthmuscingulate | 0.70825 | 0.55557 |
ctx-parsorbitalis | 0.43236 | 0.42366 |
Pons-nuc | 0.65229 | 0.5514 |
ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate | 0.69731 | 0.56382 |
ctx-rostralanteriorcingulate | 0.67935 | 0.41073 |
ctx-pericalcarine | 0.5253 | 0.38703 |
ctx-entorhinal | 0.72093 | 0.65273 |
ctx-temporalpole | 0.54659 | 0.49421 |
ctx-parahippocampal | 0.73123 | 0.66232 |
Left-PuL | 0.76937 | 0.78917 |
Left-external-pallidum | 0.78074 | 0.79407 |
Left-MDl | 0.87316 | 0.86494 |
ctx-frontalpole | 0.11589 | 0.3493 |
ctx-transversetemporal | 0.63184 | 0.56123 |
Left-VA | 0.6994 | 0.73112 |
CA1 | 0.78967 | 0.60729 |
Fornix | 0.30751 | 0.29593 |
Claustrum | 0.48364 | 0.3618 |
Reticular-of-thalamus | 0.2386 | 0.3239 |
VPL | 0.57387 | 0.62796 |
LP | 0.73933 | 0.73133 |
molecular_layer_HP | 0.50045 | 0.50313 |
Internal-pallidum | 0.78939 | 0.83776 |
subiculum | 0.69842 | 0.61734 |
Dentate-cerebellum | 0.71523 | 0.54696 |
alveus | 0.57837 | 0.3076 |
CA4_GC-DG | 0.75655 | 0.7136 |
Accumbens-area | 0.77455 | 0.67541 |
Thalamus | 0.32506 | 0.32978 |
Lateral-nucleus | 0.8586 | 0.75999 |
CeM | 0.6668 | 0.70489 |
Substancia-Nigra | 0.7045 | 0.63047 |
CA2_CA3 | 0.54381 | 0.4454 |
AV | 0.59365 | 0.60739 |
Basal-nucleus | 0.66909 | 0.61273 |
SCP | 0.71921 | 0.67856 |
hypothalamus posterior | 0.58318 | 0.53634 |
hypothalamus_tubular_sup | 0.51626 | 0.48914 |
Accessory-Basal-nucleus | 0.74887 | 0.78098 |
hypothalamus_tubular_inf | 0.65529 | 0.56586 |
PAG | 0.76829 | 0.7809 |
Red-Nucleus | 0.83407 | 0.83386 |
VTA | 0.67032 | 0.4751 |
STN | 0.71496 | 0.72738 |
Optic-Nerve | 0.58216 | 0.44427 |
LGN | 0.64318 | 0.62109 |
acomm | 0.44371 | 0.42966 |
fimbria | 0.264 | 0.157 |
MGN | 0.37669 | 0.21371 |
VLa | 0.32691 | 0.45109 |
LD | 0.42601 | 0.46225 |
stria-terminals | 0.50263 | 0.30588 |
Central-nucleus-inf-colliculus | 0.78275 | 0.72433 |
Corticoamygdaloid-transitio | 0.58151 | 0.48352 |
mammillary_body | 0.56602 | 0.57353 |
DR | 0.54393 | 0.49046 |
Inferior-olive | 0.26264 | 0.046102 |
hypothalamus_anterior_sup | 0.54939 | 0.45936 |
Medial-nucleus | 0.32559 | 0.33181 |
Central-nucleus | 0.52925 | 0.48942 |
Anterior-amygdaloid-area-AAA | 0.21345 | 0.18373 |
zona-incerta | 0.40755 | 0.45308 |
hypothalamus_anterior_inf | 0.36912 | 0.32702 |
Paralaminar-nucleus | 0.14105 | 0.13123 |
Cortical-nucleus | 0.30083 | 0.23504 |
Rest of hippocampus | N/A | N/A |
Rest of amygdala | N/A | N/A |