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[Preprint]. 2024 Sep 7:2024.09.05.611502. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.09.05.611502


Anti-FLAG M2 antibody Sigma-Aldrich F3165
Anti-HA antibody Sigma-Aldrich H3663
Anti-HPIV3-N This study N/A
Anti-HPIV3-M This study N/A
Anti-eIF4Alll Abcam Ab180573
Anti-Y14 Abcam Ab181038
Anti-MAGOH Abcam Ab180505
Anti-GFP Cell Signaling 2956
Anti-S6 Ribosomal Protein Cell Signaling 2217, 2317
Anti-L7a Ribosomal Protein Cell Signaling 2415
Anti-GAPDH Cell Signaling 2118
Anti-β-Actin Cell Signaling 3700
Anti-β-Tubulin Cell Signaling 2128
Anti-Lamin A/C Cell Signaling 4777
Anti-COX IV LI-COR 926-42214
Anti-Enterovirus D68 VP1 GeneTex GTX125989
Anti-Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein GeneTex GTX125989
Anti-SARS-CoV2-N Dr. Thomas Moran Clone:1C7
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 647 ThermoFisher A21245
Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 647 ThermoFisher A21236
Bacterial and virus strains
Recombinant rHPIV3-EGFP JS strain PMID: 28405630 GenBank: KY295925
Recombinant rHPIV3-EGFP-HA-M JS strain This study N/A
Recombinant rHPIV3-EGFP-ΔM-mCherry JS strain This study N/A
Recombinant rHPIV3-EGFP-ΔM JS strain This study N/A
Recombinant rMuV-EGFP JL5 strain PMID: 28405630 GenBank: KY295913
Recombinant rNDV-EGFP LaSota strain PMID: 28405630 GenBank: KY295917
Recombinant rCedar-EGFP CG1a strain This study GenBank: JQ001776
EV D68 strain US/MO/14-18947 ATCC VR1283
Influenza A virus strain A/WSN/33 PMID: 561860 N/A
SARS-CoV-2 strain USA/WA1 BEI resources NR-52281
Max Efficiency Stbl2 competent cells ThermoFisher 10268019
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate ThermoFisher 11995-065
Opti-MEM, Reduced Serum Medium ThermoFisher 31985-070
Lipofectamine LTX and PLUS reagent ThermoFisher 15338100
Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent ThermoFisher 13778100
BioT transfection reagent Bioland Scientific B01-01
Fetal Bovine Serum - Optima R&D Systems S12450
Fetal Bovine Serum - Tetracycline-free) Takara 631101
Penicillin-Streptomycin ThermoFisher 15140122
PBS ThermoFisher 10010023
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%) ThermoFisher 2500-056
InFusion HD Cloning Kit Takara Bio 639650
Paraformaldehyde 16% Aqueous Solution Electron
Microscopy Sciences
Intercept Blocking Buffer Li-COR 927-70001
Collagen I-coated coverslip Neuvitro GG-18-15-Collagen
Cycloheximide (CHX) Sigma-Aldrich C7698-1G
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich T8787
Diethiothreitol (DTT) Sigma-Aldrich D9779
Puromycin ThermoFisher A1113803
Zeocin ThermoFisher R25001
4–15% Mini-PROTEAN TGX Precast Protein Gels Bio-Rad 4561083,4561086
Trans-Blot Turbo RTA Mini 0.2 μm PVDF Transfer Kit Bio-Rad 1704272
ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant with NucBlue Stain ThermoFisher P36983
1M Tris-HCl pH 8.0 ThermoFisher AM9855G
1M Tris-HCl pH 7.5 ThermoFisher 15567027
0.5M EDTA pH 8.0 ThermoFisher 15575020
5M NaCl ThermoFisher AM9760G
1M MgCl2 ThermoFisher AM9530G
2M KCl ThermoFisher AM9640G
RNaseOUT ThermoFisher 10777019
Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-Free ThermoFisher 78437
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) Sigma-Aldrich T9159-100G
Anti-FLAG M2 affinity gel Sigma-Aldrich A2220
Anti-HA Magnetic Beads ThermoFisher 88837
Critical commercial assays
Direct-zol RNA miniprep kit Zymo Research R2050
Luna Universal qPCR Master Mix NEB M3003
LunaScript RT SuperMix Kit NEB E3010
Nano-Glo HiBit lytic detection system Promega N3040
ONE-Glo luciferase assay system Promega E6100
Deposited data
Polysome profile mRNA sequencing data This study GSE274026
Experimental models: Cell lines
HEK 293T ATCC Cat# CRL-3216
HeLa ATCC Cat# CCL-2
Vero ATCC Cat# CCL81
Vero-E6 ATCC Cat# CRL-1586
RD ATCC Cat# CCL-136
Vero-HPIV3-Mpot This study N/A
BSR-T7 PMID: 9847328 N/A
BSR-T7-HPIV3-Mopt This study N/A
BSR-T7-rNiV-N-P-L replicon This study
See Table S1 This study N/A
Recombinant DNA
pCMV-3Tag-NiV-M PMID: 21085610 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-HeV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-GhV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-SeV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-MuV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-MeV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-HPIV2-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-NDV-M PMID: 25782006 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-HPIV3-M This study N/A
pCMV-3Tag-CedV-M This study N/A
pCMV-3Tag-GFP-NiV-M PMID: 21085610 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-GFP-NiV-M Mbp1/2 PMID: 21085610 N/A
pCMV-3Tag-GFP-NiV-M L106A, L107A PMID: 21085610 N/A
pFLAG-CMV2-GFP-HPIV3-M This study N/A
pFLAG-CMV2-GFP-HPIV3-M Mbp1/2 This study N/A
pFLAG-CMV2-GFP-HPIV3-M L106A, L107A This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-N This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-P This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-M This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-F This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-HN This study N/A
pCAGGS-HPIV3-L This study N/A
pCMV-LUC2CP/intron/ARE Addgene #62858
pCW57.1 Addgene #41393
Software and algorithms
Prism GraphPad Version 10
SnapGene Version 4.2.11
Image Lab Bio-Rad Version 6.1
Partek Flow Partek Version 10
Imaris Oxford Instruments Version 9
Celigo Imaging Software Nexcelom Version 5.5
Celigo Imaging Cytometer Nexcelom N/A
Gradient Mate Station Biocomp N/A
Piston gradient fractionator Biocomp N/A
EVOS M5000 ThermoFisher N/A
ChemiDoc MP Imaging system Bio-Rad N/A
CFX96 Real-Time PCR system Bio-Rad N/A