(A) Box and whisker plot categorizes the ADRC cohort into clinically assessed probable AD and normal control groups, analyzed using the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, with p-values indicated. N represents the sample size. (B) Box and whisker plot shows the AGUEDA cohort split into Aβ PET positive and PET negative groups, analyzing three assay formats: PAβ V1.0 assay Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40, PAβ V2.0 assay Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40, and PAβ V2.0 assay Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 normalized with Aβ1–40 IS and Aβ1–42 IS. Differences between groups were evaluated using the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, with p-values provided. (C) Box and whisker plot dividing the AGUEDA cohort into CL positive, CL transition, and CL negative groups, with differences assessed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and p-values noted.