(A, B) Representative (20 sec) traces of CGC sEPSCs (in 10μM gabazine) recorded from two genotypes each juvenile (A, black, gray) and adult (B, red, light red) wildtype (+/+) and knockout (−/−) shank3Δex4−22 mice. Each trace is from a different CGC. (C-F) Cumulative distribution histograms for all events for each group with corresponding inset individual (circles) and mean ± SEM (bars) for sEPSC amplitudes (C, E) and interevent intervals (D, F) from juvenile (C, D) and adult (E, F) wildtype (+/+) and knockout (−/−) shank3Δex4−22 mice. (G) Average normalized (to total event number) distribution histogram for sEPSC values from each CGC with the gaussian fit of the averaged distribution provided in the inset (H). n = 19 – 22 cells/genotype from N = 11 – 14 adult mice and n = 11 – 14 cells/genotype from N = 6 – 9 juvenile mice. For comparison of mean group sEPSC values (C-F insets) or averaged sEPSC histogram bin percentages (G) *p<0.05 for t-test between genotypes.