Fig. 3. A comparison of tracking performance among BNP-Track, TrackMate and u-track using two synthetic datasets with one emitter and three emitters in the y coordinate.
See Extended Data Fig. 2 for the same figure but with the x coordinate. a, BNP-Track’s MAP estimate compared to the one-emitter ground truth. b, TrackMate’s estimate compared to the one-emitter ground truth. Sets A and B are equivalent in this case. c, u-track’s estimate compared to the one-emitter ground truth. d, BNP-Track MAP estimates compared to the three-emitter ground truth. e,f, TrackMate estimates compared to the three-emitter ground truth with high localization quality threshold (e) and low localization quality threshold (f). In d–f, the top track of ground truth is the same as the ground truth in a–c. The boxed regions in e and f highlight areas where TrackMate performs relatively poorly. See Supplementary Data 5 and 6. Localization resolution is not applicable (N/A) to TrackMate estimates due to missing track segments.