Fig. 2.
Psychiatric effects of common drugs. a, ROR heatmap for psychiatric PTs of common drugs from the disproportionality analysis on the FAERS database. The data are expressed as log-transformed ROR values with unadjusted P values (disproportionality analysis). ∗P < 0.05; ∗∗P < 0.01; ∗∗∗P < 0.001. b, Significant results (FDR <0.05, RE-IVW) from IVW-MR on the effects of common drugs on psychiatric disorders. Data were analyzed using IVW as the primary method, and other three methods (weighted median, weighted mode, and MR Egger) as sensitivity analysis. The causal estimates are expressed as odds ratio values with 95% CI values. The width of the lines extending from the midpoint represent the 95% CI (the scale has been log-transformed). Both unadjusted P values (RE-IVW, weighted median, weighted mode, and MR Egger) and FDR values (RE-IVW) are given. c, Significant results (FDR <0.05, SMR) from SMR on the effects of common drugs on psychiatric disorders. The causal estimates are expressed as odds ratio values with 95% CI values. The width of the lines extending from the midpoint represent the 95% CI. Both unadjusted P values (SMR) and FDR values (SMR) are given.