Fig. 5.
Causal effects of drugs on gut microbiota and ROR heatmap for gastrointestinal AEs of common drugs. a, Significant results (FDR <0.05, RE-IVW) from IVW-MR on the effects of common drugs on gut microbiota. Data were analyzed using IVW as the primary method and MR Egger as sensitivity analysis. The causal estimates are expressed as β values with 95% CI values. The width of the lines extending from the midpoint represent the 95% CI. Both unadjusted P values (RE-IVW and MR Egger) and FDR values (RE-IVW) are given. b, ROR heatmap for gastrointestinal PTs of common drugs from the disproportionality analysis on the FAERS database. The data are expressed as log-transformed ROR values with unadjusted P values (disproportionality analysis). ∗P < 0.05; ∗∗P < 0.01; ∗∗∗P < 0.001.