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. 2005 May;4(5):849–860. doi: 10.1128/EC.4.5.849-860.2005


Two-hybrid interactors with the Hsp82(E33A)-BD bait fusion

ORFc Gene Inta Function of gene productb
Known or putative Hsp90 system cochaperones
    YDR214w AHA1 2 Nonessential cochaperone which binds the middle domain of Hsp90 (36) and activates the Hsp90 ATPase (44)
    YDR168w CDC37 1 Essential Hsp90 system cochaperone; believed to target protein kinases to the Hsp90 chaperone machine (32)
    YBR155w CNS1 1 Essential Hsp90 system cochaperone
    YKL117w SBA1 2 Nonessential Hsp90 system cochaperone; binds the N-terminal Hsp90 domain in mature Hsp90-client complexes, probably assisting client protein release (69)
    YOR027w STI1 1 Nonessential stress-induced protein that interacts with both Hsp70 and Hsp90 through its TPR domains (72)
    YOR035c SHE4 3 Nonessential protein required for mother cell-specific expression of homothallic switching endonuclease; equivalent of the UNC45 myosin-specific chaperone, of metazoans (2); though fungal forms of She4p lack the Hsp90-interacting TPR domain of UNC45 (16), the yeast She4p still binds Hsp90 (S. H. Millson, unpublished data)
    YPL106c SSE1 1 Nonessential form of Hsp110, a member of a subgroup of Hsp70 family chaperones (56)
    YCR060w TAH1 2 Nonessential protein with TPR repeats and similarity to Sti1p
    YNL064c YDJ1 2 DnaJ homolog; activator of the ATPase of Hsp70
Other stress proteins, chaperones, chaperonins
    YDL143w CCT4 1 Component of chaperonin-containing T complex (TCP ring complex, TRiC), required for the assembly of actin and tubulins in vivo
    YOL053c-a DDR2 1 Stress protein induced by DNA damage, heat shock, osmotic shock, and oxidative stress
    YOR020c HSP10 1 Mitochondrial chaperonin that cooperates with Hsp60p; homolog of E. coli GroES
    YDR171w HSP42 2 Heat shock protein with similarity to Hsp26p; involved in restoration of the cytoskeleton during mild stress
    YLR259c HSP60 1 Mitochondrial chaperonin that cooperates with Hsp10p; homolog of E. coli GroEL
    YFL039c ACT1 2 Actin, critical for cell polarization, endocytosis, and other cytoskeletal functions
    YNL079c TPM1 2 Tropomyosin, coiled-coil protein localized to actin cables
    YHR107c CDC12 2 Component of 10-nm filaments of mother-bud neck (septin); involved in cytokinesis.
Protein kinases
    YDR283c GCN2 2 Kinase that phosphorylates translation initiation factor eIF2; known Hsp90 client protein (10)
    YLR113w HOG1 2 MAP kinase of the high-osmolarity signal transduction pathway
    YGR040w KSS1 1 MAP kinase involved in signal transduction pathways that control filamentous growth and pheromone response
    YHR030c SLT2 2 MAP kinase of the cell wall integrity (hypotonic stress-activated) pathway
    YLR362w STE11 1 MAP kinase kinase kinase of the Hog1p and Kss1p MAP kinase pathways; known Hsp90 client protein (31)
    YHR135c YCK1 1 Casein kinase I isoform
Known or putative transcriptional activators
    YLR256w HAP1 2 Heme-responsive Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain transcription factor; redox-sensing regulator of gene expression; known Hsp90 client protein (29)
    YBL005w PDR3 2 Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain transcription factor; regulator of genes of pleiotropic drug resistance
    YCR029c-a RIM1 1 Zinc finger single-stranded DNA-binding protein; required for mitochondrial genome maintenance
    YKR064w YKR064w 1 Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain protein with similarity to transcription factors
Known or putative regulators of transcriptional silencing or telomere organizations
    YJL076w ESC5 2 Involved in chromatin silencing, has similarity to Tof2p
    YMR263w SAP30 2 Subunit of a histone deacetylase complex
    YDL042c SIR2 1 NAD-dependent histone deacetylase; involved in maintenance of silencing at HMRd, HMLd, and telomeres
    YOR229w WTM2 1 Transcriptional modulator protein involved in meiotic regulation and silencing
Protein import or export from the nucleus
    YJR074w MOG1 2 Involved in nuclear protein import; potential Cdc28p substrate
    YJR132w NMD5 3 Beta-karyopherin; involved in nuclear import
    YGR119c NUP57 2 Nuclear pore protein (nucleoporin) that acts in a complex with Nic96p, Nup49p, and Nsp1p
Ras superfamily small GTPases
    YOR101w RAS1 1 GTP-binding protein involved in regulation of cyclic AMP pathway; homolog of mammalian proto-oncogene ras
    YML001w YPT7 2 GTP-binding protein of the Rab family (Ras superfamily) with a role in protein transport between endosome-like compartments
    YER031c YPT31 2 GTP-binding protein of the Rab family (Ras superfamily) required in the secretory pathway at the stage of formation of trans-Golgi vesicles
    YNL093w YPT53 2 GTP-binding protein of the Rab family (Ras superfamily) involved in endocytosis and transport of proteins to the vacuole
Other proteins of vesicle trafficking
    YLR078c BOS1 2 Synaptobrevin (v-SNARE) homolog involved in endoglasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport
    YAL042w ERV46 2 Protein localized to Sec31p-coated vesicles
    YOR036w PEP12 2 Syntaxin homolog (t-SNARE) involved in Golgi-to-vacuole transport
    YKL006c-a SFT1 2 v-SNARE required for vesicle traffic between Golgi compartments
    YOL018c TLG2 1 Syntaxin homolog (t-SNARE) involved in endocytosis and maintenance of resident proteins in the trans-Golgi network
    YDR084c TVP23 2 Integral membrane protein localized to vesicles along with the v-SNARE Tlg2p
    YJR044c VPS55 2 Vacuolar protein sorting; involved in Golgi-to-vacuole targeting
    YGL161c YIP5 2 Protein that interacts with Rab GTPases; possible role in vesicle-mediated transport
Known or putative membrane transporters
    YBR132c AGP2 2 General amino acid permease
    YGR289c AGT1 2 General alpha-glucoside permease with similarity to maltose permeases and other members of the sugar permease family
    YPR128c ANT1 1 Protein with similarity to ADP/ATP carrier proteins and members of the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF)
    YNL065w AQR1 2 Member of major facilitator superfamily (MFS) multidrug resistance (MFS-MDR) protein family
    YER119c AVT6 3 Vacuolar transporter; exports aspartate and glutamate from the vacuole
    YDR046c BAP3 3 Branched-chain amino acid permease, valine transporter
    YOL137w BSC6 2 MFS protein of unknown function.
    YBR290w BSD2 2 Copper ion transporter of the ER; metal homeostasis
    YEL063c CAN1 2 Permease for arginine, lysine, and histidine
    YJR152w DAL5 2 Allantoate and ureidosuccinate permease, MFS superfamily member
    YNL125c ESBP6 2 Protein with similarity to mammalian monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT2
    YAL022c FUN26 3 Nucleoside transporter with broad nucleoside selectivity
    YHR094c HXT1 2 Low-affinity hexose transporter and member of sugar permease family; induced by high glucose
    YHR096c HXT5 2 Strong similarity to hexose transporters; member of sugar permease family
    YFL011w HXT10 2 Hexose transporter; member of sugar permease family
    YNR072w HXT17 2 Similarity to hexose transporters, including Hxt13p, Hxt16p, Hxt6p, Hxt7p, and Lgt1p
    YNL268w LYP1 2 Lysine-specific permease, high affinity
    YDL247w MPH2 2 Alpha-glucoside permease
    YGR055w MUP1 2 High-affinity methionine permease
    YHL036w MUP3 2 Low-affinity methionine permease
    YJL117w PHO86 3 Phosphate permease
    YOR348c PUT4 2 Proline and gamma-aminobutyrate permease
    YDL199c YDL199c 3 Similarity to members of the sugar permease family
    YIL120w YIL120w 2 Member of MFS-MDR protein family
    YKL174c YKL174c 2 Similarity to Hnm1p and other permeases
    YMR155w YMR155w 2 Unknown function, MFS superfamily member
    YPL264c YPL264c 2 Unknown function, MFS superfamily member
    YPR003c YPR003c 2 Member of the sulfate permease subfamily of MFS superfamily
    YCR048w ARE1 2 Acyl coenzyme A (CoA):sterol acyltransferase (sterol-ester synthetase)
    YNR019w ARE2 2 Acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (sterol-ester synthetase)
    YHR018c ARG4 2 Argininosuccinate lyase; arginine biosynthesis
    YPR201w ARR3 2 Arsenic resistance protein
    YJL170c ASG7 2 Protein expressed only in cells of mating type a
    YBR128c ATG14 2 Required for autophagy
    YPR171w BSP1 2 Binding protein of synaptojamin polyphosphoinositide phosphate domain
    YLR438w CAR2 2 Ornithine aminotransferase
    YIL003w CFD1 3 Putative P-loop ATPase localized in cytoplasm
    YLL018c DPS1 2 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, cytosolic
    YLR284c EHD1 1 Enoyl-CoA hydratase, peroxisomal
    YHR123w EPT1 2 sn-1,2-Diacylglycerol ethanolaminephosphotransferase
    YFL022c FRS2 1 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit, cytoplasmic
    YEL042w GDA1 1 Guanosine diphosphatase of Golgi membrane
    YHR183w GND1 3 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
    YPL059w GRX5 1 Mitochondrial glutaredoxin
    YJR069c HAM1 1 Protein controlling 6-N-hydroxylaminopurine sensitivity and mutagenesis
    YDR224c HTB1 2 Histone H2B
    YDL125c HNT1 2 Member of the HIT family of Zn-binding proteins and the histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein family
    YPR033c HTS1 1 Histidyl-tRNA synthetase, mitochondrial and cytoplasmic
    YOL065c INP54 2 Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase
    YOL101c IZH4 2 Membrane protein involved in zinc metabolism
    YDL131w LYS21 2 Homocitrate synthase, involved in lysine metabolism
    YDL078c MDH3 1 Malate dehydrogenase, peroxisomal
    YKL001c MET14 2 Adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate 3′-phosphotransferase; sulfate assimilation pathway
    YIL014w MNT3 2 Alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase
    YNL110c NOP15 2 Constituent of 66S preribosomal particles
    YGL055w OLE1 3 Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (delta-9 fatty acid desaturase); synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids
    YOL147c PEX11 2 Peroxisomal biogenesis
    YBR035c PDX3 2 Pyridoxine (pyridoxamine) phosphate oxidase
    YHR037w PUT2 1 Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase
    YOR347c PYK2 1 Pyruvate kinase, glucose-repressed isoform
    YCR106w RDS1 2 Regulator of drug sensitivity
    YOL120c RPL18A 2 Ribosomal protein L18A
    YPL152w RRD2 1 Protein involved in rapamycin sensitivity
    YDL244w THI13 1 Thiamine synthesis
    YER100w UBC6 2 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme anchored in the ER membrane, with catalytic activity facing into cytoplasm
    YBR273c UBX7 2 Ubiquitin regulatory X domain-containing protein; interacts with Cdc48p
    YKL035w UGP1 2 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UTP-glucose-1-P uridylyltransferase) (UGPase)
    YBR130c SHE3 2 Required for mother cell-specific expression of HO
    YER118c SHO1 3 Osmosensor in the Hog1p MAP kinase; high-osmolarity signal transduction pathway
    YML066c SMA2 1 Spore membrane assembly
    YJR159w SOR1 1 Sorbitol dehydrogenase
    YMR101c SRT1 1 cis-prenyltransferase involved in dolichol synthesis
    YIR011c STS1 1 Protein that when overexpressed restores protein transport and rRNA stability to a sec23 mutation
    YPL048w TEF3 1 Translation elongation factor EF-1gamma
    YNL131w TOM22 2 Component of mitochondrial outer membrane receptor complex; required for protein import and cell viability
    YOR332w VMA4 2 Vacuolar H-ATPase hydrophilic (27-kDa) subunit
    YOR083w WHI5 2 Cell size regulation of passage through start and commitment to cell division
    YLR070c XYL2 2 Xylitol dehydrogenase
    YJL114w YJL114w 1 TyA Gag protein; main structural constituent of virus-like particles

Strength of interaction. 1, 2, and 3 indicate growth of the cells containing this interactor and the Hsp82(E33A)-BD bait to 4 mM, 8 mM, or 20 mM 3-AT, respectively.


Listed where a function has been assigned. The following are the ORFs encoding interactors of unknown function, with the corresponding gene name, where assigned, and the interaction strength of the encoded interactor in parentheses: YAL049c (1); YBR220c (2); YBR227c (1); YCL056c (2); YCR101c (3); YDL012c (2); YDL015c (TSC13) (2); YDL133w (1); YDL180w (1); YDL246c (SOR2) (1); YDL248c (COS7) (2); YDR051c (1); YDR281c (PHM6) (2); YDR319c (2); YDR412w (1); YER156c (2); YHR036w (2); YGR295c (COS6) (2); YIL041w (3); YIL146c (ECM37) (2); YIR030c (DCG1) (1); YIR042c (2); YJL060w (BNA3) (2); YJR083c (ACF4) (3); YJR134c (2); YKL008c (LAC1) (2); YKL069w (2); YKR030w (GMH1) (3); YKR044w (UIP5) (2); YKR067w (1); YLR036c (1); YLR404w (2); YML131w (2); YML132w (COS3) (2); YMR159c (SAP18) (2); YNL100w (1); YNL194c (1); YNL326c (2); YOL026c (MIM1) (1); YOR097c (2); YPL014w (1); YPL109c (1); YPL156c (PRM2) (1); YPL186c (UIP4) (1); YPL188w (POS5) (1); YPL199c (2); YPL246c (RBD2) (1); YPL257w (2); YPR089w (3); YPR115w (2); YPR127w (2); YPR148c (1).


ORF, open reading frame.


Mating type cassettes on chromosome 3.