FIG. 2.
Micrographs of M. anisopliae var. acridum germinated on polystyrene for 24 h with insect extracts. Germlings grown with dichloromethane (A) or methanol (B) extracts from locusts showing terminal hyphal swellings. C, production of lobate appressoria when the methanol extract was combined with 0.0125% yeast extract. D and E, branching of germlings in the water-soluble fraction (1 mg/ml) of the methanol extract; F, extensive hyphal growth at 4 mg/ml that may demonstrate directional growth towards the coverslip (G). Panels A to F show growth on the area of the petri dish overlaid by the coverslip. CO, conidium; AP, appressorium; CS, coverslip. Bar, 10 μm.