Fig. 2.
Fig. 2a and b shows log-transformed values of hair cortisol (pg/mg) on the X axes and alpha diversity metrics on the Y axes (Faith's diversity in plot 2a, observed feature counts in plot 2b). The left facet of 2a shows values for participants in the Comparison group (blue) and the right facet shows the Caregiving Adversity group (orange). In 2a, a line shows the simple slope of the respective alpha diversity metric over log-transformed cortisol in each group. In 2b, a black line shows the slope across both groups. The main effect of cortisol was significantly negative for both Faith's diversity and observed feature counts. The interaction between CA and cortisol was significantly associated with Faith's diversity, shown in plot 2a, and driven by a negative association between cortisol and diversity in the comparison, but not CA group. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)