Fig. 5.
The differences in the diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) performance between sexes for the lumbar 1 vertebrae in the low fat content groups. A 34-year-old woman exhibited a high DWI signal in lumbar 1 vertebrae (A). The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value measured 4.87 × 10–4 mm2/s (B). The water phase map showed a signal intensity value of 211.81 (C), while the fat phase map showed 72.32 (D), indicating a fat fraction of 25.45 %. A 30-year-old man exhibited an iso DWI signal in lumbar 1 vertebrae (E). The ADC value measured 5.09 × 10–4 mm2/s (F). The water phase map showed a signal intensity value of 179.31 (G), while the fat phase map showed 49.00 (H), indicating a fat fraction of 21.46 %.