Acute kidney lesions. (a) Glomerular and arteriolar thrombotic microangiopathy with acute fibrin thrombi in the arteriolar lumen (arrow) and clear subendothelial spaces with double contours (star). Masson Trichrome, original magnification ×20. (b) Ischemic glomeruli with retracted flocculus in the Bowman space (star) and numerous tubular macrovacuolizations (arrow) in the cortex. Masson Trichrome, original magnification ×5. (c) Crystal (arrow) within the cytoplasm of an epithelial cell of a proximal tubule, HES, original magnification ×20. This crystal is refringent under polarized light. (d) None refringent crystals found in the tubular lumen of proximal tubules (arrows). Masson Trichrome, original magnification ×10. (e) Ischemic glomerulus and numerous tubular microvacuolizations in proximal tubules (arrows) suggestive of acute CNI toxicity. Masson Trichrome, original magnification ×10. (f) Immunohistochemistry with anti SV40 antibody showing several positive nuclei (arrows), in favor of a polyomavirus nephropathy. Original magnification ×40. CNI, calcineurin inhibitors.