ZMYND8 directly binds to the TRAF and UBL domains of USP7 via its PBP domain.A, schematic depiction of full length (FL) and truncated USP7. Plus (+) and minus (−) indicates binding and no binding with ZMYND8, respectively. B, Co-IP assay of Flag-ZMYND8 and FL or truncated Myc-USP7 in HEK293T cells. C, schematic depiction of FL ZMYND8 and its truncates. Plus (+) and minus (−) indicates binding and no binding with USP7, respectively. D, Co-IP assay of Myc-USP7 and FL or truncated Flag-ZMYND8 in HEK293T cells. E and F, the direct interaction of ZMYND8 and USP7 was examined by in vitro GST pull-down assay using purified GST-UBL and His-PBP (E) or GST-PBP and His-TRAF (F).