Fig. 4.
Free amino acids concentration (mg/kg of DM) of dairy-based fresh cheese (control), and hybrid cheese analogues made with added 3.5% SYF flour (20% spent yeast and 80% soybean flours), with rennet (SYR) and without (SY), and 3.5% MRF flour (20% malt rootlets and 80% soybean flours), with rennet (MRR) and without (MR). All the control and hybrid cheese analogues (HCA) samples were fermented with a combination (SC3) of a commercial starter Lyofast MOT 082 CE (1 UC/100 L) and Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (105 CFU/mL). Statistical analysis was performed with One-way ANOVA and the pairwise comparison by Tukey's post-hoc analysis using R version 4.2.2. Lowercase letters indicate the significant differences (P < 0.05) among different samples for each amino acid.