Table 2. Energetics of the alignment between μ and E in solution.
Structural class
Average dipole energy* 〈-(μ·E)〉, kcal·mol-1
Average field† 〈|E|〉, kcal·mol-1·e-1·Å-1
Neutral‡ | BEM§ | Neutral‡ | BEM§ | |
α | -1.11 (-4.72) | -1.28 (-4.97) | 2.52 (5.28) | 2.89 (5.52) |
β | -0.42 (-1.47) | -0.45 (-1.53) | 1.12 (1.96) | 1.24 (2.00) |
Λ | -0.19 (-1.98) | -0.29 (-2.18) | 3.45 (4.84) | 3.79 (5.05) |
The set of 22 proteins listed in Table 1 was used for these computations.
Values were computed as (1/N) ΣiN (-|μi(ri)||Ei(ri)| cos θi), with N being the number of μs contained in the particular structural class (values of N for the α, β, and Λ classes are 266, 119, and 636, respectively). In each column, two values are listed for each structural class; the first one corresponds to calculations with the ECEPP/3 charge set, the second one, in parentheses, corresponds to calculations with the PARSE charge set. The average values of μ are 0.54 eÅ and 1.07 eÅ, (1eÅ = 4.8 Debye) for the ECEPP and PARSE sets, respectively.
Values were computed as (1/N) ΣiN|Ei(ri)|. See item * for additional explanation.
Values were computed assuming a neutral charge distribution.
Values were computed assuming the BEM charge distribution.