Detection of UL25 protein in B capsids extract with GuHCl. (A) B capsids were extracted with various concentrations of GuHCl. The preparations were subjected to SDS-PAGE, stained with CBB, and analyzed by Western blotting using UL25 antiserum (immunoblot). (B) The 18-kDa globin, as an internal standard (st), was added to B capsids (lane 3; cap) prior to the 6.0 M urea extraction. The B capsid samples with urea were centrifuged through a 20% sucrose cushion to give supernatants (lane 4; sup) and pellets (lane 5; pel). The resulting samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blotting using UL25 antiserum. (C) These two samples were solubilized with urea at a final concentration of 8.0 M and serially diluted in TBS containing 8.0 M urea, prior to dot blotting on PVDF sheet. The UL25 on the sheet was detected by Western blotting after a washing in TBS-T buffer. The positions of molecular mass markers (M; in kilodaltons), capsid proteins, and of UL25 (arrows) are indicated.